Service Changes and Self-Service Options (2025)

Most Department of Finance transactions can be conducted online, rather than in person. Click below for information on how to pay your taxes and tickets, or apply for benefits online. If you have a question, please call 311 or visit to submit an inquiry.

If you are not able to complete your transaction online, you can schedule an appointment to visit one of our business centers.

Online payment and filing options

Video guide to making online payments

Request to divide or merge lots (tax map)
  • Certified tax map filing
  • New apportionment and merger filing
  • New condo, condo amendment, or condo termination filing
File or pay your NYC business taxes

You may file a New York City business tax return or extension or pay your business taxes using e-Services. You may also do so using the IRS's modernized e-Filing system, which is available via popular tax preparation software programs.

Pay or dispute a parking ticket

To pay a parking ticket, visit e-Services.

To dispute a ticket, download the Pay or Dispute mobile app or visit

To dispute your ticket by mail:

  1. Return the ticket with the reason why you believe you are not guilty checked off on the back.
  2. Attach a letter explaining why you should be found not guilty of the violation; and
  3. Attach copies of any evidence that you wish to present.
  4. Make sure to keep copies of everything that you send for your own records and mail your request to:

NYC Department of Finance
Hearings By Mail Unit
P.O. Box 29021
Cadman Plaza Station
Brooklyn, NY 11202-9021

Pay your property taxes

To pay your property tax bill online, visit

To view your account, including current and past bills, visit and search for your property by address or borough-block-lot number.

To pay your property tax bill by mail, include the borough-block-lot number and tax period on your check payable to “NYC Department of Finance.” Mail your check (do not send cash) to:

NYC Department of Finance
Lockbox 333
400 White Clay Center Drive
Newark, DE 19711

Pay ECB and other charges issued by a city agency

To pay charges issued to you by a City agency, including Environmental Control Board (ECB) charges, visit e-Services.

Apply for an OATH ECB payment agreement

The Department of Finance also offers OATH ECB payment agreements to help you pay your delinquent OATH ECB charges.

Apply for a parking ticket payment agreement

The Department of Finance offers parking ticket payment agreements to help you pay your delinquent parking tickets and related charges.

Apply for or renew property tax exemptions

The Department of Finance administers a number of property tax exemptions and abatements. To learn more and to apply, visit The deadline to apply for or renew a tax exemption is March 15 of each year.

Apply for or renew rent freeze benefits

The New York City Rent Freeze Program helps tenants by freezing their rent at an affordable level. To learn more or to download an application, visit

To request that a paper application be mailed to you, please call 311.

Apply for a property tax payment agreement

The Department of Finance offers a number of payment agreements to help you pay your delinquent property taxes and related charges. To learn more about payment plans and to download a payment agreement, visit To request that a payment agreement application be mailed to you, please call 311. You can mail your completed payment agreement application to:

NYC Department of Finance
Payment Plans Unit
59 Maiden Lane, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10038.

Apply for the Property Tax and Interest Deferral (PT AID) Program

The Property Tax and Interest Deferral Program, or PT AID, allows eligible homeowners to defer their property tax payments or pay only a small percentage of their income. To learn more or to download an application, visit To request that a PT AID application be mailed to you, please call 311.

Pay to recover a booted or towed vehicle

If your vehicle has been booted or towed, please visit or call (646) 517-1000 to pay what you owe. For more information, visit our webpages on booted and towed vehicles.

Record or retrieve deeds and other property-related documents

If you need to record or access a deed or other property-related document, please visit the Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS) at

Receive your cash bail refund

You do not need to take action to receive your cash bail refund. The Department of Finance will mail your refund to the address we have on file. You should receive your refund within eight weeks of the resolution of the court case. If you have questions or have not received your refund within eight weeks, visit

Service Changes and Self-Service Options (2025)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.